You can do it: take it a day at a time

Good day friends, hope you're having a really great day. You know a lot of stuffs have been happening recently and many just think maybe life itself is against them, i know the feeling i have been there myself. But i got help from an older friend and he told me this words "you can do it, take it a day at a time. Let me tell you guys the whole story.

When it all started
Some times ago, let's say 8 years ago i graduated from high school, i wasn't lazy, from that time i went ahead to learn a skill, i learnt about being a cobbler. In two years time i learnt everything i needed to know about the skill. I started my own brand. I was so happy, but things don't always go the way you plan them and i eventually went out of business. I try working at a factory but that too didn't work i tried all my skills: art, photography, videography and so much more but still the same results. I was down, my friends too, i found out those i called friends where just not what i think they were. When family and friends desert you, you lost all emotions and think you don't need them. It wasn't long before i lost the desire to live. I said i was alone, life is unfair to me and i have no one to talk too or help me. I started thinking of a way to die. This words always played in my head: "death is peaceful, so why suffer", it was like a way out. But i later found out i was wrong.

My talk with my elderly friend
One day i just finished a speech at one of our gathering, which he was not there and had no idea. So i told him online about my speech, he was a stranger to me, we just talked a few times online, but what he did really shocked me. He immediately asked for my contact and called me right away to congratulate me and encouge me too. It was the first time someone did that and i was happy. So after awhile i asked to meet him qnd he accepted. We met so many times after that and one day i told him everything i was going through. He listened to me and he assured me i was not alone, he too was going through a lot, his mom died and he was taking care of his dad too. Preparing for the burial was not easy cause he had issues at work and still need to feed his family. But he told me he decided not to give up, he has kids to care for and his wife. He also added suicide is like a solution but suicide only solves one thing and add more to others, how so? You die good but what about your problems, they don't disappear, you just passed them on to those living. So why commit suicide, so he told the words i used earlier: take each day at a time, i should think about what i have at the moment and enjoy it. This made me stop thinking about suicide and try to see things differently. I was saved.

What i did with the advice
I tried take a step back and enjoyed every moment of my day. I took it a day at a time, doing all i can for each day. I still think about the future but what i don't do is worrying about the future. I made new friends, i went out and enjoyed my life , cause we don't get second chances. Now I'm more happier that before.

My advice and compliment to everyone
Life is not that bad, we will face had times. But never forget there is darkness when you turn on the light but focusing on the darkness will make you miss out on everything the light show you. The fear of accident won't stop one from driving. So keep moving, live is worth living. Don't give up, take it a day at a time.

Thank you all for your time and thank you everyone who was there for me. Thank you .

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