Our New Reality


No One Ever Said It Would Be Easy

Writing this blog is not as easy for me as other blogs have flowed from my fingers over the years. Of course, the people who have followed me recently have also heard what happened. And that is why blogging is not that easy. It's so quiet in the house. This house feels empty. Where once there was the lively sound of four dogs playing, these four dogs have now come together again. And I am left with only the silent echo of their absence in the house. One by one we had to say goodbye to them. Five years ago Lex left us after a sudden stomach upset, and a year and a half after his passing we had to say goodbye to Rowan after an intense period. Then Skipper came to keep the two remaining girls company. And now this year we had to say goodbye to both of our girls in just 2 months. In February we had to let go of Lana and at the end of March, we had to let go of Myla. These first days, since last Friday, with only one dog in the house have been a roller coaster of emotions, where sadness and adjustment alternated.

Life Goes On

But don't think that we have spent these days just mourning. Life goes on, and despite the sadness of missing our girls, we also discover new possibilities and opportunities to explore the world. Recently, I was mostly looking back on the many memories I have made with Lex, Rowan, Lana & Myla over the years, but it is now time to start looking forward, to start creating new memories. New memories with Skipper. In recent years he has known no better than to be part of a trio, but now he alone is the center of our attention. He is now the only dog in the house and no longer has to share the attention. All love and attention is now only for him. When my partner and I go away together, he no longer always has to stay home alone. With 3 dogs, it was very difficult to take them all with us, but taking 1 dog with us in the car is no problem. The world will get a little bigger for him, and also for us. The idea that we can now go on a journey of discovery together more often, as I did in the past with Rowan and Myla, certainly gives me another reason to look ahead.


Adjusting To This New Reality

In any case, it is a period of adjustment, a period in which we all have to find our routine again. A period in which we have to reorganize our lives, and in which we focus on our life with one dog. The loss of Lex and Rowan has been processed for some time, but the void left by Lana and Myla is still very palpable, like a gaping hole in our hearts. It will take a lot of time to remove the sharp edges of that sadness. You can't erase 15 years of dog love in a few days. But despite that, we also see the positive sides, and a good opportunity to bond even more with Skipper.

There Is Hope

Skipper seems a bit calmer and more affectionate in recent days. There is a good chance that he also misses Myla and Lana. The change is also big for him. But his presence brings us comfort, and we are extremely happy that we still have him. It is certainly not just sadness that connects us. There is also hope, a ray of light that reminds us that life goes on, even after the loss of our sweet girls.

New Adventures

The days have become different, but that does not mean that they are less rich. On the contrary, they offer new possibilities, and new adventures to explore. Skipper and I, once bound to the routine of daily life with three dogs, can now enjoy longer walks, more attention, and quality time together again. We now have plenty of time when we go and I now take the opportunity to see the world through his eyes. Together we're trying to enjoy the simple pleasures of life.


Our World Will Become Bigger Again

And then there is that one special advantage: the ability to take Skipper with you everywhere. Where we used to be reluctant to take our dogs on outings because it was simply too much of a hassle with three dogs, that has now changed. With Skipper as the only dog, it is easier than ever to go on adventures together. Whether it concerns a walk in our forest, a day at the sea, or perhaps even a weekend away, Skipper can come along and that opens the way to new adventures. Where it will take us in the coming years is still unknown, but our world will certainly become bigger again.

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