Bunglon di Kran Cuci Piring - Chameleon On The Tap


Focal length 135 mm, F 5.6, 1/80 s

Habis makan siang, terus saya mencuci piring dan tanpa saya sadari ternyata ada seekor bunglon bertengger di ujung pipa kran tempat cuci piring. Keberadaan bunglon tersebut baru saya sadari ketika akan menutup pipa kran tersebut, terus terang saya agak terkejut saat itu

After lunch, I washed the dishes and without realizing it, there was a chameleon perched on the end of the tap pipe where the dishes were washed. I only discovered the chameleon's presence when I was about to close the faucet pipe, frankly, I was a bit surprised at that time

Tiba-tiba terbersit untuk memotret bunglon itu, dan saya pun mengambil kamera Canon 550D saya, yang rusak pada salah satu fiturnya. Segera saya mengambil beberapa foto, dan hasilnya memang kurang bagus. Selain karena tipe kamera saya yang sudah ketinggalan jaman dan ada rusak pada salah satu fiturnya, bunglon tersebut juga mengambil kamuflase sesuai dengan warna kran sehingga agak sulit mengambil foto yang kontras. (hpx)

Suddenly I had an idea to take a picture of the chameleon, and I took my Canon 550D camera, which had one of its features broken. I immediately took some photos, and the results were not good. In addition to my camera being outdated and having one of its features broken, the chameleon also camouflaged itself to match the color of the faucet, making it difficult to take contrasting photos. (hpx)

Bunglon 2-edited.JPG

Focal length 135 mm, F 5.6, 1/160s

Garis divider.png

Logo happyphoenix 2024.png

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