Be content with your fate

A crow lived in the forest and was content with his life, but one day he saw a swan and thought that the swan is so white and I am so black, this swan will be the happiest bird in the world.


The crow told his thoughts to the swan, the swan said, originally I thought I was the happiest until I saw the parrot, the parrot has two different colors, now I think the parrot will be the happiest. .

The crow came to the parrot, the parrot told the crow, I was living a very happy life, then I saw the peacock, I have only two colors while the peacock has many colors.

The crow went to the zoo to meet the peacock, there the crow saw that hundreds of people had come to see the peacock, after the people left, the crow went near the peacock.

Crow said dear peacock! You are very beautiful, thousands of people come to see you every day, I think you are the happiest bird in the world. Peacock replied, I too thought I was the most beautiful and happy bird, but I am confined in the zoo because of my beauty. I thought a lot about the zoo and I realized that the crow is the only bird that is not imprisoned in a cage in the zoo, for the past few days I feel that if I were a crow, I would be free.

We humans have the same problem, we ruin our happiness by comparing ourselves with others, we don't appreciate what we have and this thought traps us in the cycle of depression.

Appreciate what you have, say goodbye to comparison, it is the root of despair, be happy yourself and share happiness in others.


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