The Importance of Good Neighbors: Creating a Supportive and Harmonious Community

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We humans are social by nature, and that is the main difference between us and other creatures of nature. The vicinity where we live is known as the neighborhood, and it includes the people living around us, as well as the surrounding environment. The one who is physically near to us or available when we need someone is our neighbor. My mother always says that our relatives take some time to reach us when we need them because they live at some distance, but the neighbors are the first and fastest reachable for us.

Good neighbors are God's gift, and bad neighbors are punishment to us. The neighborhood is very important in our lives, and they affect our lives in many ways. For example, if the house next to us has a nice garden and they plant beautiful flowers, it will not only fragrance their garden but also the surrounding area, including our house.

There are many incidents when our neighbors help us and show that we are like a family. To be honest, the people living in villages are more social and helpful compared to those in cities. I have experienced both. But it also depends on us whether we make good neighbors. For example, we also have to initiate interactions. If we do not show interest in meeting and greeting the person living next to us, they will not either. It's like a two-way communication, and women are experts in that. Before my marriage, I hardly knew anyone in our building, but after my marriage, my wife used to meet other ladies in our building, and they formed a good circle. This also gave me a chance to meet other families. My brothers and I live away from our native village because of job opportunities. Many of my friends also have similar situations in their families. Here, I would like to share an incident that happened with my friend during the COVID-19 pandemic. My friend and his wife were living away from his parents. Unfortunately, during the pandemic, his parents also got sick and were confirmed COVID-19 positive. My friend was worried and unable to go to his native place to take care of his parents because of travel restrictions. But the good thing was that his neighbors took good care of his parents. They helped them reach the hospital and get admitted for further treatment. And when they came back from the hospital, they again took good care of them and arranged all necessary items like food and groceries. That's why I say good neighbors are a gift from God.

Always keep in mind that others also expect the same behavior from you as you expect from them. If we follow this mantra, I am sure that we will all create a healthy and supportive environment in our neighborhood.

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