Winners of the Post of the Month, Compliment of the Month, and Non-Compliment Comment of the Month on the FreeCompliments Community – February 2024!

Welcome to February’s iteration of the FreeCompliments Community’s contests for Post of the Month, Compliment of the Month, and Non-Compliment Comment of the Month! The goal of this contest is to encourage the creation of quality content, both long-form and short-form, for the betterment of the community and its members.

The winner of the Post of the Month and Compliment of the Month will win 5 HSBI + 1000 Ecency Points, and runner-ups of these plus the Non-Compliment Comment of the Month will win 3 HSBI + 500 Ecency Points.

Additionally, @raymondspeaks announced that “Monthly contest winners will also get a BIG fat vote from @brofi on their latest post” – how exciting!

Thank you to everyone who voted! Multiple votes were acknowledged but discounted, no curation trails were found, our friendly @dustbunny was identified, and self-votes were not counted. We had a greater variety of votes this month, which I was happy to see, and thus less tie-breaking from me. The only tie that I broke was for the runner-up prize for Post of the Month (for which there were many great contenders – what a tough choice!).

Without further ado, here are our winners and runner-ups:

Post of the Month

Trying to generate solar power on a balcony / ベランダで太陽光発電に挑戦(English&Japanese) from @go-kyo. In this post, she answers one of InLeo’s prompts with a description of her attempt to install and use a solar panel! Sharing this description of the realities of how difficult usage can be serves for very informative content for those of us who may be interested in using this developing technology. Its uniqueness and breadth makes this post is a deserving winner of Post of the Month.

5 HSBI and 1,000 Ecency Points coming your way!

And for our runner-up:

"Man" Is Only But A Fleeting Frame... by @luchyl. In this post, Luchyl shared a very personal experience that reminded her of the importance of connecting with the people for whom you care before time runs out – and that time could arrive unexpectedly and sooner than we imagine. The story and lesson were very touching and more than worthy of our runner-up prize!

3 HSBI and 500 Ecency Points coming your way!

Compliment of the Month

From @funshee, this compliment is a cheerful celebration of the food that a user cooked for their significant other on Valentine’s Day. It’s a very sweet comment that overflows with joyfulness and goodwill, making it our winner of Compliment of the Month.

5 HSBI and 1,000 Ecency Points coming your way!

And for our runner-up:

From @kerrislravenhill, this compliment is a an appreciation and discussion of mythological creatures that are seen in a particular set of silver coins shown by the post’s author! The genuine appreciation and connection is a perfect example of how a compliment comes across naturally when it’s authentic, and thus it is a very worthy winner of our runner-up prize.

3 HSBI and 500 Ecency Points coming your way!

Non-Compliment Comment of the Month

While our primary focus is on compliments, free speech and discussion is also a tremendous focus in this community. Not all conversations require compliments or agreements, but rather respectful discussion, listening, and exchanges of ideas. Thus, I believe it is essential to reward dialogues which are done in such a manner. This is a tenet of the stringent free speech principle we exercise, in a manner that we would love to see implemented in all forms of communication.

This month, it’s a comment by @artgirl, acknowledging that relationships can be difficult but that bringing God into the mix can help both parties find the right solution. While this may not be something that everyone agrees with, the underlying thought of finding common ground is what makes this comment truly special, and thus it rightfully earns the title of Non-Compliment Comment of the Month!

3 HSBI and 500 Ecency Points coming your way!


Congratulations to the winners and runner-ups of this Post of the Month, Compliment of the Month, and Non-Compliment Comment of the Month contest! I hope that this encourages you and others who see this post to continue producing quality content within the community, and to spread the principles we practice in this community out into the rest of Hive and the world around you.

The post announcing the next contest will be made in the first week of March to permit a week’s worth of nominations prior to revealing the winners.

What do you think of our winners and runner-ups? Are there are other posts or comments that you would have chosen? Are the choices and prizes fair?

I would love to hear any and all opinions about these topics from everyone who is currently a member of FreeCompliments, since you’re all inaugural members! Anyone else who finds this page is also very welcome to voice their opinion. We’re all about free speech, and everyone’s experience has value.

More posts with further ideas incoming soon!

Disclaimer: FreeCompliments will be a beneficiary for this post, and I will attempt to boost it via Ecency points as well. @irfanmustafa will also be a 1% beneficiary to all contest posts for providing our contest logo.

Here’s a permanent invite link to the FreeCompliments Discord!

Follow our curation trail and earn 1 HSBI per month!

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