Updates to the Reward System in the FreeCompliments Community – April 2024

Addition of LEO, CCD, and NEOXAG Tokens

I’ve been in discussion with all 3 tribes about including these tokens as part of our reward system, and so far I’ve had positive responses!

Why did I choose these in particular?

$LEO happens to be one of the most popular tribes at this time, and there’s a lot of utility being added to the entire InLeo project. I’m a stakeholder myself, and I believe that the moves they’re making are going to help Hive as a whole. I’ve already integrated this into some of our rewards and will continue to add it in.

$CCD belongs to CryptoCompany CEO, a long-term project in the works which offers a voting service in exchange for a number of CCD tokens. You can find more information about it right here. The returns you can receive for this number of tokens, absed on the price, delivers a genuinely great value. We’re considering using it for posts and in some cases, comments as well. @PowerPaul and I are currently figuring out exactly how we’re going to integrate the token into the rewards system, but I can certainly tell you that it will happen!

$NEOX belongs to Neoxian City, a long-term project headed by @neoxian which has been around for several years, and thanks to his close monitoring, has become a trusted and stable project within the Hive ecosystem which shows no signs of letting up. It also has a voting service via @neoxiancityvb. Here is an explanation of how to use it. Note that this can only be used for posts, not comments. However, I can still award NEOXAG for great comments (hint, hint!).

I have delegated to all of these projects so that we can have a consistent inflow of all tokens. I am already a stakeholder in all of these, as a sign of my confidence in and commitment to these projects.

Discontinuation of DVS/DHEDGE

A few days ago, it appears that the @dhedge account undelegated its HP from all of its tribe-token related accounts, and also discontinued the DVS:swap.HIVE pool. Unfortunately, once again, there was no communication from the project leader as to what these moves actually mean.

I have kept my personal stake and the stake of multiple community accounts intact, awaiting any type of communication, but none has come to fruition. To me, this is indicative of a dead or dying project. Hence, I am going to be unstaking all DVS tokens, selling them on the market (or through the available pools), and using the HIVE I receive back for other aspects, whether this be trading via @fc-arbitration, purchasing other 2nd layer assets including those listed above, or possibly bringing the swap.HIVE back to the 1st layer and staking them with delegations into consistent, profitable projects.

Unfortunately, the $DVS token price has dropped considerably, so I’ll only be getting a fraction of the original value I had put in. It just goes to show how important communication is to a project’s survival – even a brief, 1 minute unformatted update, written once a week or every two weeks, would likely have saved the project. Who can retain confidence in a project if every aspect of its functionality is not working, and we’re sitting in silence waiting to be told what’s going to happen next?

It’s a strong lesson for people planning to start projects in the future. Talk to your constituents and stakeholders, even a little bit. I’ll certainly continue doing so as leader of the FreeCompliments community. Even if, sometime in the distant future and for whatever reason, I step away from the project – I will be certain to communicate this.


What do you think of the inclusion of these particular 2nd layer tokens into the rewards system? What do you think of our plan to discontinue our DVS stake? Are there are projects you think would give strong incentives to our users for participation? We appreciate all opinions!

Disclaimer: FreeCompliments (@hive-140084) will be a 20% beneficiary for this post.

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