The tree of life is our roots.

Hi hivian friends. It's already Friday and that means the weekend is already here. For most it will be time to rest and spend it with the family. And that's what today's post is about.

I hope you will forgive me for the somewhat pretentious title but it must attract curious glances. The tree of life is our roots. It is a tired phrase but it is also a great truth. We create our life with every step we take but our roots mark us for life and we must not forget that.

And even if we don't want it, our roots, our education and the people we have left behind determine our future, making us make one decision or another. Although on many occasions we are not aware of it.

That is why we must take care of that tree and take care of all those who are part of it. Remember those who are no longer here and learn from their teachings if we want our future to be bright. In this way we will create another branch and another root in our tree of life. Making it stronger and producing its best fruits for those who will succeed us.
We should always aspire to leave things better than we found them.

Created with: nightcafe

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