The importance of materials when making art.

Hello Hivians. It's Friday and the week is ending. It's time to relax and enjoy the weekend with the family. And a good way to enjoy it is to go see art. But what art? Because we often think that art is in museums but art is everywhere. So it depends a lot on us to be able to find it and enjoy it.

As many of you who follow me know, within art, sculpture is my favorite discipline. Sculptures can be made from almost anything. In one of my last posts I talked about ephemeral sculptures. Like ice, sand or cardboard sculptures.
So if what we want is to create a work of art that lasts over time and survives us, then we have to take the materials into account. We also have to take this into account when we buy works of art.

One of my favorite materials is bronze, although I must admit that the most popular material is usually stone. Although not all stones are the same nor will they last the same over time. Whether it is limestone, marble or granite. Each one has its particularities both to create the work and to last over time.

And we must not forget the digital works that, through their replication, always remain alive and current.

Created with: nightcafe

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