Pop Art + AI a great combination.

Hello Hivians, we are already halfway through the week and today I wanted to talk to you about Pop Art.
Pop Art was born in the mid-50s although it had its great development in the 60s of the 20th century.

Probably the most outstanding artist of this artistic movement is Andy Warhol but there are many other artists of the same quality or even better in my humble opinion such as Claes Oldenburg or Richard Hamilton. But that is a matter of taste and it is you who must choose your favorite author.

Pop Art is above all fun and colorful. A movement that represents advertising and consumerism like no other. Today it is not too popular and has gone out of fashion somewhat. I personally love it and I think it can have a resurgence thanks to AI. The Pop Art creations that can be made with this new technology are really fantastic, they almost always turn out well.
Just like vinyl records have made a comeback, I think poster advertising will make a comeback, and what better way to promote your small business than making them yourself with the help of AI?

It won't be the same as those wonderful hand-painted posters you can find in an antique shop. Unfortunately, those things aren't made anymore, but they can be great and add a bit of color to this grey world we have today.

Created with: nightcafe
Web: https://creator.nightcafe.studio/my-creations

You can visit my instagram page and see many more creations

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