Nostalgia a balm for the present.

Hello hivians. How are you spending the week? Less is left for the weekend. So I hope you have many fun plans with yours and that you have a great time.

Today I wanted to write about a sometimes controversial feeling such as nostalgia. For me, nostalgia, as I say in the title, is a balm for the present.
Nostalgia is a curious feeling because at first it would seem sad but when you get nostalgic you always end up with a smile, at least I do.

Nostalgia works as a balm for the present thanks to that extraordinary quality of our brain to forget the bad things and remember, above all, the good ones. And as they say, "any past time was better."
We remember people or situations and keep the good parts and that helps us in the present to realize that perhaps we are too harsh at the moment things happen. We get carried away by feelings like anger. We get angry but then when we see things with more perspective by analyzing the situation we see that it was not a big deal and that there are much more important things.

That's why nostalgia helps us see things differently through another prism. Maybe we judged the situation too harshly or maybe it was our state of mind that led us to act that way. In any case it is always better to breathe, analyze and then make decisions. Yes I know, it is much easier said than done.

Created with: nightcafe

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