Learn to fly in Hive.

Hello dear Hivians. It's Friday now and it's time to rest or have some fun. Maybe a little of each thing.
Today I wanted to make a slightly special post aimed at new Hive users. It's not that I've been here for a long time, just two years, nor that I want to give lessons, just a little bit of my own experiences and motivation.

I have always taken Hive as a place to share, like any other social network. But it has the motivation that, unlike other social networks, profits are shared here in a transparent way and everyone can also earn something. You don't need to have thousands of followers and go from being invisible to making a living with your publications.

When I started I wanted to share my photographs because that is one of my greatest passions. So I published a photograph with some phrase and the title as is done on Instagram. For some reason that I still don't understand, this is frowned upon so I stopped posting for a while.

When I started publishing again I told myself, write what you want without worrying much about profits or what others say. Profits will arrive sooner or later but they will not be excessive. And that is my advice for those who want to start flying in Hive.
If what you are looking for is to make a lot of money, the only way I know in Hive or outside of Hive is to invest a large sum.

Created with: nightcafe
Web: https://creator.nightcafe.studio/my-creations

You can visit my instagram page and see many more creations

Thank you very much for supporting my blog and I look forward to your comments.!

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