Insects, the invisible treasures of nature.

Hello Hivians. It's Monday and another hard week of work begins for everyone, including the bees. No I'm not talking about Hive but about insects. And this is what I wanted to write about today about the importance of insects in nature.

Surely you have heard or read that phrase that says that if the bees become extinct we would die of hunger. This phrase is of course not true. There was life on the planet before there were insects, much less bees.
But although this phrase is false, the importance of insects in current ecosystems is fundamental. Insects act in many areas of the ecosystem.

The best known is the pollination of flowering plants. They are essential although not essential since the wind is enough for many plants.
One that is quite unknown but is fundamental is the decomposition of organic matter. This work creates the nutrients that allow plants to develop and bear fruit again.
And of course insects are part of the life cycle. They are a source of food for other species such as birds, mammals or reptiles. And at the same time they are also predators that limit the possibility of pests appearing.

So now that we are approaching spring it is a good time to go out and observe how these little inhabitants of our planet act.

Created with: nightcafe

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