Flowers are the jewels of nature.

Hello Hivian. How was your weekend? I hope you had a great time. For my part, I have rested and really enjoyed these couple of days off.

I was taking some walks in the countryside. As I have said on some occasions, autumn is my favorite season of the year. It is very pleasant to go looking for mushrooms and walk over the fallen leaves. The light is dimmer and the ambient temperature much more pleasant than at any other time of the year.

Children love to run from one place to the other moving the leaves or following some absent-minded butterfly. Every so often they come with anything they have found, like a stone with a particular shape, for their parents to see. They also spend the day asking questions, what is this, what is that, so it is a good school to teach them. And the most important thing is that they come home tired and it is easier for them to stay calm.

At this time of year there are not so many flowers, spring is the season of flowers. But you can still find some gems. And that made me think yesterday that there are few things in nature more beautiful or that can be assimilated to a jewel than a flower. This combination of petals, stamens and piscils creates incredible shapes that are really difficult to imitate.

Created with: nightcafe

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