Fight to make your dreams come true.

Hello hivians. How are they? I hope you had a good weekend with family or friends. I went to one of those beer festivals that are so common these days and the truth is that I had a wonderful time. I miss the children a little but their father has taken care of keeping them entertained. They've had a men's weekend.

For my part, I really enjoyed the music, the atmosphere and of course the beers with my friends. And between conversations, the topic arose of what we wanted to do in the coming years.

I have very clear basic things but there are less vital but also important desires that I would like to do. For those of you who follow me, you already know that I love the sea. I have commented on more than one occasion that I really like sailing and diving. Well, talking to a friend at the party, the topic came up since we share hobbies and now we are planning a trip to the Antipodes to sail and dive in the Great Barrier Reef.
It is a plan that is still in its infancy and I have to square many things but you have to fight for your dreams if you want them to come true.

Created with: nightcafe

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