Autumn is the time of relaxation.

Hello Hivian. We are already in Autumn, which, as those of you who follow me a little know, is my favorite season of the year. And autumn is the time of relaxation. After the hard and hot summer comes the kind autumn that brings us relief from temperatures.

But Autumn has many other things, such as the time when the last fruits of our garden are harvested. Nature also offers us its best fruits. You can go to the forest to pick all kinds of things, whether mushrooms, nuts, chestnuts, strawberries or any other fruit before the harsh winter arrives. It is a time of abundance in nature.

Autumn is also a perfect time to travel and enjoy colors that do not occur at any other time of the year. If you like tourism, it is one of the best times since you will not find the summer crowds but you will find an ideal climate for any type of activity.

In the fall, what I like the most is going out with my family to pick mushrooms in the forest and then prepare them at home all together. It is also an ideal time to practice yoga outdoors, which is one of the things that gives me the most peace of mind. For all that, Autumn is for me the best season of the year.

Created with: nightcafe

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