Art within everyone's reach

Art within everyone's reach. This is what new technologies provide or will provide to people. AI will be fundamental in this revolution. No more enjoying art only those who have a natural talent or those who have the money to pay for it.

All these new technologies that are appearing make it possible for anyone with basic knowledge to have and enjoy high quality personalized art. No more tacky and repetitive Ikea paintings that you can see everywhere.
But we will not only find this art in traditional things like sculptures or paintings, it will also be possible or rather it is possible to create art in other disciplines.

Some already consider cooking as a plastic art but it takes a lot of talent to be able to design a cake that represents, for example, an animal figure. And let's not even mention the amount of money it can cost if it is only within the reach of the richest.
But now with a simple AI you can make creations until you find your favorite and then print it with a 3D printer. The prices of some of these technologies are still certainly high, but I believe that over time they will not only become cheaper but will also be integrated into many of the appliances we all have at home.

Created with: nightcafe

You can visit my instagram page and see many more creations

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