Mansanitas Tree – Sci. Name: Paliurus mairei H.Lév .and A little bit of Memory Lane.

Good day, Hivian! Another day, another blog. Hope you're fine while reading my post today. Since I’m just ordinary, my life also is just ordinary. No spectacular moment. Well, today, I want to share about the Mansanitas tree (Tagalog) Jujube plum (English), or *Paliurus mairei H.Lév *(Scientific Name).


I included the scientific name of the plant because it’s the word that is known over the world. No matter which country you are in, its scientific name will always be the same. There are two ways to write a scientific name: Italicized or Underlined. As long as the first letter of the Genus must be a capital letter and the species name must be lowercase. Unfortunately, I cannot italicize the scientific name of the tree in my title. I wonder how?

I let my husband take a picture of our mansanitas tree at the front of our house for today’s blog. I want to share some experiences about the Mansanitas tree.

Mansanitas tree has a benefit to our body. The leaves of the tree could be a remedy for hypertension. But I will not talk about how helpful the tree to us but rather about my personal experience I had with the Mansanitas tree.


Do you eat the fruit of this tree? Because I do, even now, I’ll pick its fruit and eat it. My competitor of the fruits is the birds since the birds love to eat the fruit of the Mansanitas Tree. Luckily for them, the tree that we have is tall and there are some fruits that I cannot reach, and it will be their share,

When I was in high school, there was a Mansanitas tree before we reached our school. Our group, M.A.R.L.S would do a stop-over and climb the tree just to get the fruits of it. We were like a bird without wings and had feet.

Looking back, how simple our life was. Our worries were just to finish our studies and asking permission by our parents if ever we wanted to explore other barangays in our town. Our talks were all about how our parents scolded us because we didn’t follow the task given. No responsibilities.

But now, every time, my friends will have a get-together, though, we will not always complete, all our talks were all about the hard things of being an adult. The responsibilities of being a breadwinner. the bills that we need to pay and the expenses which was over the budget. We were surprised by the challenges we encountered as an adult. Adulting is hard.

Even though, being able to reach this age is a blessing. We will embrace the good and bad of being an adult. Every day is a new day. The emotions you had yesterday, are for yesterday. It’s your choice not to let yesterday’s emotion be encountered today.

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