How to Heal from Manipulation

Many among us are part of the society where based on their job, income, family status and the place where they live end up manipulating them. More money you have the more safer place you choose to live and get less manipulated. This happens very slowly and unless we heal and make smart decisions we continue to get manipulated.

First job is to learn how to not get manipulated. This is the very important part as the healing part never comes unless you continue to get manipulated in the process. So in order to heal one has to think of where they are being manipulated and how the situation can be changed.

Second job is to understand what to heal and where to heal your trauma. And how you can improve upon the situation so that future manipulation does not happen in your life again. So the loop of that needs to break as well.

Let's discuss how to heal from manipulation.

First step is figure out how you are manipulated. Say you are being taken advantage at the office. Two things can be done, one being reporting to the HR office and second being reporting to the authority and leave the job. That may sound easy but it is not. You have to be patient with your people around on handling these issues.

Second step is getting people on your side. This is kind of hard at workplace. But you can see that workplace management and family are two complex thing and you ae supposed to take the health of the legal or govt offices in case of the issues of domestic and office nature. If the issues are related to street then you can approach police but that is another chapter in itself.

Third thing in order to heal you have to take the break. Because you can't heal yourself if the same pattern are repeating. You have to take some space and make sure to get out of the loop which is hurting you over the years. Tht needs to be broken before you can come out of the manipulation. In short healing becomes easier if you let go of the manipulation.

When you are trying to improve your life you have to learn to first confront the problem, eliminate the variables that hurt you, improve upon your surroundings and then move to safer place to heal your everyday life and avoid past patterns.

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