Free compliments on Halloween. But which Halloween?

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I've had mixed feelings about Halloween festivities for a few days now. And it's not that they bother me or anything, but it's just that I feel like more could be done. And perhaps many are wondering, what do I mean by doing more? And the answer is simple. Really celebrate it. I know, I know at this point you will have more questions than answers. And yes, I'm not crazy or anything.

The problem is simply, CUBA country. And I don't want to get into political issues or anything like that. But it is with much regret that I must admit that in my country Halloween celebrations are almost nonexistent. There are always those who celebrate it in their own way or some recreational spaces that carry out activities where you have to go in costume and such things. But it still goes unnoticed. Let's not talk about Christmas, that's a topic that has a long and long way to go in this country, but its turn will come.

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Then I question myself thinking about the reasons for this to happen. Could it be religious issues? No, I don't think so. To the best of my knowledge, there are some religions that prohibit these celebrations because they consider Halloween to be a satanic and immoral celebration that can attract the devil or evil spirits. But those Christian religions such as Evangelical, Muslim, Mormon and Jehovah's Witnesses do not predominate in the territory. Nor do I think it is by government decree, since only in Uzbekistan and in some regions of France and China is Halloween banned. And in the case of the latter it's not that it's forbidden, it's just that you're not allowed to go in costume to certain places.

So, if it's none of the above, the only unexplored reason left for me to mention is the economic factor. And yes, I know that talking about the economy in Cuba is something that is never-ending. But even so I don't consider that to be the reason, because the Cuban only needs a park and a horn to party (I don't know where I read that, but I read it). It doesn't matter if there is no booze or if there are only 3 or 4 people, if the weather is good enough, the party will start.

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But anyway, I personally believe that the motivation to celebrate it has been lost, if such motivation ever existed. However, that doesn't mean that you can't enjoy this date in a different and special way. So, if you live in Cuba, or in another country and for one reason or another you can't celebrate Halloween, don't feel bad because there are other ways to enjoy this day. Instead of focusing on the traditional celebration of Halloween, you could take advantage of the day to honor and celebrate your loved ones in other ways. Here are some ideas to celebrate the day and give #freecompliments to your family and friends:

  1. organize a family gathering: invite your loved ones to an intimate gathering where you can enjoy good food and share special moments together. Take the opportunity to tell them how important they are to you and how much you value them.

  2. Toast to love and friendship: Instead of focusing on the connotations related to Halloween, take advantage of the date to celebrate love and friendship. Make a toast to the strong and lasting relationships you have with your family and friends, highlighting their positive qualities.

  3. Organize creative activities: You can organize a homemade costume contest or themed crafts, where your family members can participate and show their creativity. Reward everyone's originality and effort, showing how unique and special they are in your life.

  4. Thank and acknowledge: Also take the opportunity to express your gratitude to your family. You can do this through small handwritten notes, thanking each member for their support and unconditional love over time. Highlight the positive qualities and actions that make them unique.

Ultimately, the important thing is to celebrate love and family connection on a day that is not commonly celebrated in Cuba. Use the day as an opportunity to express your feelings of appreciation and affection for your loved ones and don't forget to hand out lots of #freecompliments.

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