The 100 Squats Per Day to Fight Cancer Challenge Progress - Oouuchhh


At the beginning of this month, I read @mrmiyagi doing some squat challenge joining @lut-studio. It was 100 Squats per day challenge as a movement of fighting cancer.

I was interested with the movement and I think maybe I will try doing it regarding my family have a long history of cancer. However I choose not to donate tl;dr I do not believe in such donation. So rather than seeing on the bad side, I try to see the good side and got tricked joined Mr Miyagi squats.

The Update

100 squat 16 nov.jpg

It started on 7 November 2023 I decided to participate on this challenge on that day. I did 16 Squats that day which was 2x8 Squats for the exact.

On 8 November 2023 I did 8 squats in the morning and 2x8 squats in the evening. The next day 9 November 2023 I did 2x8 squats in the morning and 2x8 squats in the evening. That's how I got 32. Later until today, I did 2x8 Squats in the morning, 2x8 squats before lunch, and 2x8 squats in the evening.

I was very ill for 3 days thats why I did not take the challenges for 3 days. As today I am writing this post, I already did 32 squats, the last 16 will be later before bed time. Maybe I will increase my repetition to 10 per set in this weekend.

Am I that Weak?

Yes I am... It's not like my leg is weak but I have a balancing problem. For the last couple months I have been walking with the help of walking stick, because several time I fell while walking due to lost focus on foot work or got swayed from the lost of balance.

So I think it's not wise to push too hard on these squats number but better focus on the form. I am doing this with proper repetition and a correct form... well I atleast I think it is a correct one. I do not want my body to remember unconsciously doing squats with the wrong form.

I am doing this not only as for the fight cancer movement, but to force myself to exercise too.

The Goal

I want to have atleast 3 to 5 successful 100 squats in this month. Things are getting better now and I hope I do not fall sick again like in the last weekend... due to working almost 100 hours in 5 days.

My target is to be able to take 4 x 10 squats in the morning, 2 x 10 squats before lunch, and 4 x 10 squats in the evening. If I want to do more, maybe I will increase the repetition, become 12 squats per set.

Do you have any feedback for me? feel free to leave any comments below


Thank you for reading this post, and don't forget to check out @mrmiyagi and @lut-studio for further information about the challenge, they are doing it on the right path. Ok that's for today, see you next time

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