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Rise of The Commons? Bring Our Dragons In!

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Greetings To My Fellow Splinterlands Players

Another Week, Another Splinterlands Challenge, and today I would like to welcome to my new weekly Splinterlands Battle Mage Secrets challenge which has Rise of The Commons as our main theme.

Rise of Commons is one of my favorite ruleset. The reason is simple, I do not have fancy line up or expensive cards. Most of my collection are Commons and Rare only, so having this ruleset is kind of forcing my opponent to play at my rule


I don't think there is a good trick or tips for this ruleset, it's back on how we know well the common and the rare available for the battle. But if I have to give a tip here, let say to make this post interesting, I would say it is DRAGONS.

Most Dragons are powerful units above average, unfortunately the recent dragons cards are Legendaries. Well we have some who are not, and that's the trick we can exploit here.


We have Naga Assassin and this one, Whelp Herder. I like Whelp Herder a lot however I believe this card is half assed. He looks cool on Silver League Level cap, however he doesn't grow well later.

He has so so attack, 2 melee damage, slow but not the slowest, and half baked health points. No fancy or flashy ability. So no wonder people forget about this card.

So why do I like this card? Because sometime I have a hunch this card can ruin people meta and when that happen, it feels so good. So when that battle can come? one of the supporting condition is this Rise of The Common...

Ok let's check my battle below

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~Click The Image Above To See the Full Battle~

Alright, this is our battle guys. I pick this battles from yesterday rank battle, on Modern Silver League. So only Chaos - Rift Watchers - Rebellion that were eligible for the line up. Because this is a modern format, so it's valid to say that my opponent is a human, not a bot. lets check the rulesets first:


It was a plain single ruleset, Rise of The Commons. The interesting one was no Water and Death here, for most people this was troublesome because those two had strong common-rare units.

The choice should go with Earth or Life here. I did not think Fire was good enough especially this had 29 mana cap. if it had 35-45 mana cap, then Life would be the weaker side.

Ok, I would go with life because I thought majority of people would go with Earth then they would spam Magic attacks. Life had Pelacor Conjurer which was a great tank for a tiny mana. But as what I have said above, I would use Dragon to surprise my opponent here.

OK let check the battle:


  • The battle started with both of us buffing up our team and debuffing our opponents. As expected, my opponent solely focused on magic attacks. How about my team? Well we were focusing on Speed..
  • My opponent had 11 magic damage, and they still had that blast attack.
  • My team had 2 melee damage, 2 magic damage and 6 range damage. Combined those all, we had 10 damage per round.
  • In Term of Firepower we were equal, but I had more units than them, which mean whenever a unit down, they would suffer more than me.


  • Both of us lost our tank in the first round. I lost my Pelacor Conjurer and they lost their Mycelic Slipspawn. Overall this lost gave them more damage than me, regarding my Pelacor Conjurer was a non attacking tank.
  • Look at the condition on the begining of the second round. I still maintained 10 damage per round whilst they were losing their fire power.
  • This round my team went berserk and almost wiped them out


  • Round 3 was the last one. My line up was way better them theris, and we had outperformed them in the first two rounds. Good Game

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Overall we can say my team was far more superior than them. Their team was not that bad, but definitely was not good either.

In general we can say my tactics worked well and outperformed them. But what was exactly going on could be described here:

1. Speed Superiority Dictated The Battle.

They had Regal Peryton and she was very fast. She performed outstanding in that battle, however that's the sole unit in their line up that performed well. The rest were too slow.

Their Regal Peryton moved first then after that, all my units moved and killed their units. The 3 units they had other Regal Peryton moved the last, after got beaten or killed.

This was the main reason why they lost badly here, when they got the opportunity to move, their friends already got killed. So they had never delivered their damage as they should be able to.

2. Number of Units Did Matter

This is debatable whether our number of units does matter or not. In this battle, and in most battle, actually it does matters. The more units you have, the more stable you get. When you lose a unit, your fire power doesn't drop as bad as if you have less units.

In this case, my fire power never dropped because my tank as a non attacking one. So literally my team did not lose any momentum here.

3. Dragons Works!!

Well this is the main theme here. Whelp Herder worked well in this battle. In fact you can see the beginning on the round 3, he still stood there with 1 health point left. It meant that he managed to put himself up performing his role as secondary tank... although his max health was a bit pathetic at 4 point.

I belived if my opponent could notice the use of non legendary dragons that time, he might ditched his intention of using that line up. In that battle, Naga Assassin was not a bad choice too, except if the opponent exactly was like them, full magic squad.

That's all for my battle mage secret post today, thank you for reading my post here and see you guys again on Splinterlands battlefields!!

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Thank you for visiting my BATTLE MAGE SECRETS Weekly Challenge, don't forget to leave your comments and feedback below. There are credits in this post for these people:

  • @splinterlands : for holding BATTLE MAGE SECRETS challenge events
  • carrieallen : for ultimate markdown tutorial
  • thepeakstudio : for wonderful divider art