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Game day and evenings as well [ESP/ENG]

Witness Gamer kozgamer

Captura de pantalla 2024-08-04 181349.png


Well, after a few days of anguish, come the days of joy and after learning and building my witness node, there is time for what I am most passionate about, after the bandits of course 🙊😛 and is the love for video games :3

So today I was able to continue my tryhard mode in pixels where I still lack a lot to have the skills at a decent level, not to mention that every time I run out of coins and they are an important part to keep buying energy to advance quickly.

I continue with the ovens little by little since each skill demands its time and resources and as I don't have infinite coins I have to adapt myself to be as productive as possible with the resources I have in hand.

Bueno bueno luego de unos días de angustia, llegan los días de alegría y luego de aprender y armar mi nodo testigo, hay tiempo para lo que mas me apasiona, luego de las bandidas claro 🙊😛 y es el amor por los videojuegos :3

Es asĂ­ que hoy pude seguir un poco mi modo tryhard en pixels en donde aun me falta mucho para poder tener las habilidades en un nivel decente, sin contar que cada vez me quedo sin monedas y son parte importante para poder seguir comprando energĂ­a para avanzar rĂĄpido.

Sigo con los hornos poco a poco ya que demanda cada habilidad su tiempo y recursos y como no tengo monedas infinitas me toca adaptarme a ser lo mejor productivo posible con los recursos que tengo en mano.

I was also in Gensokishi climbing several characters to get the dragon-saber, which I still do not find the taste for using it, so I stopped climbing it for the moment and continue with my bishop killing in colkia although I do not know whether to level up or lose exp because I would just gather mr before buying the new clothes that already being nft is more expensive just to buy, level up the clothes is even more expensive.

At the moment I'm still killing well in this area, the backpack is filling up decently and I'm earning more than I spend on buying food to have more mp, accelerating the farm process.

There were even nights of dota2, it was great with my friends we played 5vs5 games finally the wives gave them permission to play and I took advantage of it, so much so that from the afternoon until 4am we stayed playing xD!

AdemĂĄs estaba en Gensokishi subiendo varios personajes para lograr conseguir el dragĂłn-saber, el cual aun no le encuentro el gusto por usarlo, por lo que deje de momento de subirlo y sigo con mi bishop matando en colkia aunque no se si subir de nivel o perder exp ya que me justarĂ­a reunir mr antes de comprarme la nueva ropa que ya al ser nft es mas costosa solo comprar, subir de nivel la ropa es aun mas costosa.

De momento sigo matando bien en esta zona, la mochila se llena decente y estoy ganando mas de lo que gasto en comprar comida para tener mas mp, acelerando mas el proceso de farm..

Incluso hubo noches de dota2, fue genial con mis amigos jugamos partidas de 5vs5 por fin las esposas les dieron permiso para jugar y toco aprovechar, tanto asĂ­ fue que desde la tarde hasta las 4am nos quedamos jugando xD!

Captura de pantalla 2024-08-04 181454.png
