420m SBI Giveaway win 5 SBI

Image created by me

Alt text" Image is a picture of a wrapped present that says "420 SBI Giveaway"

For giveaway details scroll down. More info about this giveaway series can be found here

It's another 420 themed giveaway, man! Puff, puff, pass and join the fun.

*Last round's winner @outwars @tokutaro22 *

So far 233 out of 420 SBI units have been given away.

I am dealing with some health issues so giveaways will be less frequent. I will likely just giveaway more each round but less frequent posting. Past the half way point now!

The Giveaway

In this round 2 winners will be chosen to win 5 SBI units each. 5 units will also be sent to my fundraising account.

To enter: leave a comment . Almost any comment will do. Bots, hate speech etc will not count.

The deadline to enter is 7 days after this post- once payout for the post has been made. The prizes will be delivered shortly after.

Following/re-blogging and upvoting is not required but much appreciated.

Winners will be chosen using a random comment picker

Good luck to everyone.

Happy new Year!

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