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Motivational Mondays: What A Complete Day Indeed

It has finally commenced, the long-awaited exams for the second semester of my first year in the higher institution. It seemed like a dream to me when the timetable was released a week ago, I felt like I had all the whole time in the world so I spent more time blogging, playing games, listening to music and eating, my very best habit. Three days to exams, that's Thursday, I embarked on an intensive reading routine. I ate twice a day and for the three days, I never used the dining table, I was always in my room, reading and eating. It's often said, "Never serve two masters at the same time", guess what, I broke this rule and I feel like I need to compliment myself.

Today, the journey of the incessant exams began, exams with no day gap, and we have papers every day of the week, except weekends. But do you know what makes me feel happy and proud of myself? I'm the kind of person who loves to eat and sleep well, but I'm not lazy, please don't misunderstand me, hehe. But today, Monday, I did what I seldom do. I was able to wake up and remain woke after the alarm rang. This is one of my biggest achievements today and I feel I need to compliment myself for that. Other days when the alarm rings, I use to turn it off and get back to bed but today, I responded positively. I guess it's because of the upcoming exams, probably.

I felt like I wasn't prepared for the exams but it was a successful one. One of the subjects I hated in high school was History. Guess what, the exam we wrote today was on the History of Medicine, lol.
I must never forget to appreciate the daily prompts initiative(#julyinleo) by @leogrowth, the prompt for day #27 was talking about the history of medicine and surgery, which is very much related to the topics I was taught in the History of Medicine Course. In a way of responding to the prompt, I dug deeper into doing research and also intensively reading my books, most of the points I mentioned in my post were questions I was asked. I passed my exams today and #julyinleo by @leogrowth has been a great contribution to my first successful exam paper.

I must also compliment myself for properly managing my time this morning. The exam for today was scheduled to be held by eight A.M in the morning, so I had to adjust my schedule. I had to make a different schedule that would accommodate early completion of house chores and early morning revision of certain topics I think would be asked in the exams. When my alarm rang by three AM, I responded positively by waking up without slumber and washing my face.
I developed a strategy to check sleep.

Though I don't know if this strategy has some negative health effects on my eyes, I hope it doesn't. My strategy is simple. Whenever I feel this heaviness of the eyes, I would turn off the white light, turn on the red and look constantly on it with my eyes wide open. It sounds crazy, right? But it worked and I was able to read till I felt I had read all I needed to read. I also need to compliment myself for brainstorming such a great idea.

If I'm asked to describe how my day(today Monday) is spent in one word, I would simply answer, "Complete". Today is a complete day for me, a day I feel I have completed everything I have planned to do and all that's left is to compliment myself. I'm a great person, I'm proud of myself. Tomorrow is another day, another challenge and I know I will still achieve success.

Thanks for reading. This is my entry for the #julyinleo prompt of the day, day #29.
Thanks to the @freecomplements community for creating room for everyone to share our views and content in response to the prompt.
To know more about the #julyinleo: