The Curse of Glorious Summer

Summer is great, but it's terrible. It's fun, but it's work. It's relaxing, but it's hectic. It's the season that quicklt makes me yearn for winter again just as soon as it left.

(Created with Bing)

While summer is fun and full of great activities and events, it's also full of yardwork and projects. I can't use the excuse that it's too cold out to do things, so I end up agreeing to various events each weekend. I then have to somehow fit in yardwork and other projects, like putting up the sun shades, amongst all of it.

It's only been a month or so since the warm weather kicked in and I'm ready for things to slow down again. It sounds terrible, but there's enough going on already without the extra activities. While I wish I could be like the guy in the picture, just enjoying a beer outside with nothing to do, that moment is short-lived for me. It's a phase of life, and pretty soon, it'll be cold again, and I'll be enjoying having no yardwork and minimal side projects to get done between last-minute activities.

In the meantime, I'll make do as best as I can with the time and try to survive the heat. I'm sure I'll blink, and soon it'll be October, and summer will be a distant memory.

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