The greener side........ Motivational Mondays

Free compliments...motivational Mondays

Hello again hive family, hope you all are doing well?

It's the first work day.....yes it's Monday and we are going to get motivated.

A depressing phone conversation inspired me to write this post. I overheard a guy on a phone conversation telling the recipient of the call that he was tired of this country and would like to travel overseas. He sounded so hopeless 😒

This struck a chord in me because I have always believed that there's no place like home, I mean one's origin.

Another thing that struck me was how easily he gave up hope on his Nation. I began to ponder many things in my mind.

I know the economy is not friendly at the moment, but is it enough reason to lose hope on one's country to the point of abandonment?

The country overseas where he was thinking of running to, is he aware of their economic state?

These thoughts ran through my mind after I overheard that short conversation.

Growing up, I have heard that the grass is greener on the other side.


Well I beg to differ with this saying because it has caused a plethora of issues in the philosophical reasonings of the younger generation.

A young man who just wrote his O'level examinations,instead of furthering his academics, he would be thinking of how to leave his current location for greener pastures, hmm without a clue in the world as to what he would be doing over there.

Not that seeking greener pastures is a bad idea but I feel it's for those who know their onions, who know what is expected of them and are willing to contribute positively to where they are.

Some youths in my country have been deluded to believe that money falls from the skies overseas, just like dry leaves fall from trees during Autumn and this misguided statement has led many astray.

I once heard the story of a young man that sold his family's piece of land just to travel abroad. Only for him to get there and discover that everything he was told prior to his traveling out was a big fat lie. Right now that guy was deported and he's wandering the streets homeless and doing petty jobs because he cannot return home to face his disappointed family.

So yes I beg to differ with that saying...

The correct way to put it should be.....

The grass is greener on any side where effort and dedication is applied. This is the truth!


I don't know who I am speaking to directly or who my words are resonating with but I want you,yes you, that is working diligently to make ends meet, to know that you are not a failure.

Just because you don't have all you desire right now, don't count yourself as a failure.


Do not compare your progress with anyone else. You are YOU and they are THEM.

There is no one like you in the whole planet, no one can do things the way you would do it..okay

Always have that at the front of mind (not the back), hahaha

You got this and you are doing just great.

Stay happy, cheery and positively hopeful this week.

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Thanks for reading.... Shalom

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