Three Keys to Maintaining an Exercise Routine / エクササイズ継続の3つのコツ


Lately, I have been practicing Pilates. The talks by Noriko, a Japanese Pilates instructor from Barcelona, on YouTube are gentle and resonate with me. After trying out her Pilates with exercise videos, I found them so suitable that I'm doing Pilates 2 to 3 times a day.

In the process, I realized that my certain misconceptions about exercise were making it hard for me to continue every day. Here, I want to share three tips for maintaining a consistent exercise routine.

Moderate Duration

This year, I switched my yoga sessions to 5 minutes in the morning after realizing that longer sessions were hard to keep up with, and it has firmly become part of my routine. Don't worry, even 5 minutes a day is effective.

Moderate Intensity

After trying out Noriko's Pilates, I was surprised to find that a nearly 20-minute session passed in no time. I used to constantly check the progress bar on YouTube videos during my workouts. I realized that it was because the intensity had been too high for me. The Pilates I am doing now requires a bit of effort but is comfortable and slow-paced. Time flies, but the effects are definitely there. After all, I’ve lost some stubborn weight in just one or two weeks. And I try to keep my body posture during a day.

Finding a Relatable Instructor

Another key to maintaining regular exercise is finding an instructor you enjoy seeing every day in their videos. I have three favorite instructors. Each instructor has their strengths. Recently, I've grown fond of Noriko, who I can relate to as she's from a bit older generation than I am, living life positively abroad and shows a kind of my future. I appreciate her slow movements and detailed explanations too.

If you struggle to keep up with exercise, rethinking about the duration & intensity, and finding the right instructor might help.

With only one month left in the year, I am just 1 kilogram away from my target weight, which seemed impossible earlier. I plan to return to my weight when I first came to Germany 10 years ago. And then lose another 2 to 3 kilograms next year to feel lighter and active 💪

🧘‍♂️ 🧘‍♂️ 🧘‍♂️

ここのところピラティスをしています。バルセロナのピラティスの先生 Noriko さんのYouTubeでのトークがやさしくて心に響き、彼女のエクササイズ動画でピラティスを試してみたら合うのなんの、一日2、3回ピラティスをしているはまりようです。





Noriko さんのピラティスをしてみて、まず、20分近いピラティスがあっという間だったことに驚きました。これまで「どのくらい経ったかなー」とYouTubeの動画の下のバーをちらちら見ながらエクササイズをしていたのって、「強度が強すぎ」たことが原因だったのかと気づきました。今取り組んでいるピラティスは、少し頑張ることはあるものの、ペースがゆっくりの気持ちよく、同じ長さでもあっという間に時間が経ちます。でも、効いていると思います。なんせ、この1、2週間でなかなか落ちなかった体重がスッコーンと落ちたのですから。


毎日動画で会って楽しい先生を見つけるのもエクササイズ継続のコツです。私は大好きなヨガの先生が二人います。それぞれの先生によさがあって、最近大好きな Noriko さんは、年上世代でこれから自分の人生を思い描け、前向きに海外で生きていることに共感でき、エクササイズはゆっくりした動きとていねいな解説を気に入っています。



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