Sunday Reflections: Health First (31 Dec 2023) / 日曜日の振り返り

It's the last day of the year. I'm happy to get to know FreeCompliments this year thanks to @go-kyo.

Last week, my chapped fingertip didn't heal well, I cut my forehead roughly, and in the end, a filling from a tooth fell off ...

Fortunately, this week fingertip healed with less water work, the cut on my forehead became much less noticeable, and I was able to get a dentist appointment after the Christmas break to have it fixed. I can't thank medical professionals who are working during the winter holidays.

I have been overloaded with work this month, and at the beginning of the month I was surprisingly tired, so I decided to slow down. I did so because I have a feeling that my mother, who passed away last spring, probably worked too hard and passed away too early. She often told me to take time off (and take time with my daughter) because I was doing the same kind of translation/writing work she did.

She worked as a translator until late at night, always waking up earlier than I did to make lunch box for the family and went back to her computer. As well as raising kids, housework, taking care of elderlies, taking care of dogs, managing the apartment... I wonder when she had time to take rest. She enjoyed working as a translator, and maybe it was a nice break though.

When I went to visit her two years ago, I remember she was very angry on the first day, saying, "Why only me?" I understood she wanted to take rest, she wanted to say what she really thought, she wanted to use her time as she wanted ...

My mother left me with a lesson: "Health first", as I put in the title of the post. And also taking care of my daughter. Compared to my mother's generation, and because of my own personality, I do more the things I want. But still I should ask for others' help for those I am not good at, say "no" to the things I don't like, take rest, laugh a lot, and put my health first in the coming year.

I hope you have a good New Year's holidays 🎍

Photo: Gerbera is one of my good old memory flowers with my mother. I was so much into it, thought about growing my own and share the flowers with my mother and my grandma. Unfortunately Gerbera plants sold in pots didn't grow the long stem ... I always remember this story when I see Gerberas.









よい年末年始をお過ごしください 😊 来年もよろしくお願いいたします🎍

画像: 昔、母と気に入ってよく飾ったガーベラを買ってきました。ガーベラが大好きすぎて「自分で育てたら安いしいっぱい楽しめるのでは!」と思った子供の私は、鉢植えを買ってきて育てようとしたのですが、花の茎が長く育たず、そこまで花も出てこず断念しました。ガーベラを見るたびに思い出す子供の頃のおバカな話です。

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