SuperHive update 0.8.0 : HiveFest, analytics, community, writing, ...

Hello everyone! I've worked hard to build this update. And I can release it just in time with #HiveFest and don't forget, you can follow this event here !

SuperHive logo with a light background

I have so many features for you. I need to thank all of HiveLive discord users. they helped me so much! Thank you guys. (@tibfox, @unklebonehead, @mercadomaestro, @seckorama and much more...)

Before start, I add all these features and fixed with one idea in mind: The use must be as simple as I can do. After install, is very easy to use without tech. But this project has built-in SEO, performances tweaks and security stuff. Forget about tech, just write.

So, what's new in this update ?

Writing/reading extra features

Maybe you don't know, but there are plenty of Markdown flavors. On SuperHive, I really want to add more features and beauty. That's why I've switched to GitHub Flavored Markdown! Why ?

Anchors on titles/headers

Many users use these anchors to create a small Table of Content or links to the titles. Now, why SuperHive, it's fully automated! Each title has a small link.

Test with @bambukah post, there is # link before title

And when you share a post, you can also share the title to go directly to the good part of the post.

Embedded links

When you put a service link (Like Youtube, Twitter, ...), the links is now automatically converted into an embedded player! At this time, I use oEmbed engine and support already 297 providers. This is the first part and the next step will be to add every HIVE services embedded players :)

Other features

Some features are also added to the editor like:

  • better table support
  • Tasks lists
  • Strike (with ~~)
  • no more <script> or <xmp> available
  • Autolinks

Community-focused feature

SuperHive can now receive a community and all members can write for it! When you install SuperHive, the only thing you must do is to link the community account (start with hive-) and log with it. That's All!

Just a community test between @superhive and @diyhub

Each hive user can log into your SuperHive instance and the only thing he can do is create a new post. Because it's based on HIVE blockchain, each post will be seen on every interface: PeakD, Ecency, Hive.Blog and others.

This is the first step of a bigger world for communities in SuperHive. I want to add some features, just for them.

Admin panel update

Analytics integration

Many users ask this feature, and it's now a reality: SuperHive have analytics integration! To start, I've chosen three analytics services

  • Google Analytics
  • Matomo
  • Plausible

To enable this, just go to your dashboard in the settings section and enable Analytics by choosing your service and enter your data. Don't forget to save ;)

The new block for analytics in Admin panel

For designers who have a custom theme, don't forget to add this line into your theme before </head>:

{% include '/analytics.html' %}

Small other features

When you log into your SuperHive instance, you can now see all your posts count but also your comments count at a glance.

You also have the choice of the delay between Blockchain refresh in the settings. Your SuperHive instance will check every xxx seconds on the blockchain to get all your blog data. If you don't post frequently, just use a bigger delay, and your blog will be faster to display if user don't need to check the blockchain.

Front-end features

I don't forget UX/UI experts who ask me 2 small but powerful function.

The first one is to add the five most popular posts. To decide that, I just sorted that by the number of comments. It's a good metric to see which posts are the most successful.

The other one is to see the five last posts in the sidebar (or everywhere in your theme). It's a great shortcut for users.

You can see these in the sidebar on my personal SuperHive instance

Bug fixes

Last but not the least, small bugs fixed are added:

  • Pages system recover
  • Tag selection display in Admin settings
  • Community posts fetching error
  • Bug fix with images from Liketu


This is one of the largest update I've ever made for SuperHive. And I'm really happy for that. Many users help me for this one and it's AWESOME.

Now, if I continue like this, SuperHive can be a real-world competitor for other CMS like WordPress, Drupal, and other traditional blog engines. The road will be long (like my ToDo list) but the road will be wonderful.

I really want to thank again all the HiveLive discord users for the support these last few days.

As usual, you can get this update on GitHub . If you want to support my work, don't forget to up-vote and share this post. And if you want to give feedback, ask questions or just say hello, the comment section is OPEN!

Take care of you and see you soon <3

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