2024-09-04 - Distriator - More Graphs - Number of claims vs Value of claims

Updates on Project Distriator

Claims - By Consumers - Number of claims Vs Value of claims

Claims - By Consumers - Number of claims Vs Value of claims

  • Yesterday, after sharing the graphs / reports with @starkerz, we received feedback on it.
  • Number of claims are also as important as value of claims
  • e.g. UserA may have claimed just 2 times but value might be higher. UserB may have claimed 8 times but total might be lower than UserB
  • With these 2 types of graphs, we can understand who is claiming frequently, who is claiming most.

Filter by Date Range

Filter by Date Range

  • From top-right corner, you can select date range.
  • Based on the selected date range, you can populate the graph.

Other Reports related to Claims

  • Updated report - by businesses - by number of claims
  • Updated report - by businesses - by value of claims
  • Updated report - by day - by number of claims
  • Updated report - by day - by value of claims

What other reports on which we are working?

  • Report - by trusted guides - by number of commissions
  • Report - by trusted guides - by value of commissions
  • Report - by consumer onboarder - by number of onboarding-rewards
  • Report - by consumer onboarder - by value of onboarding-rewards

Bug Fixed - Zero values on reviews

Bug Fixed - Zero values on reviews

  • Some of the reviews were showing zero values
  • @starkerz reported about this issue yesterday.
  • We did RCA & fixed the issue today - yet to be shipped.

Improvement - Tapable Reviews

  • Tapping on a business, shows the business reviews tab.
  • These reviews were not tappable.
  • We added this improvement - yet to be shipped.

What's Next?

  • 🧪 Global Claims - FrontEnd
  • 🧪 Global Claims - Bar Graph - Consumers
  • 🧪 Global Claims - Bar Graph - Businesses
  • 🧪 Global Claims - Bar Graph - Each Day
  • ⏳ Report - by trusted guides - by number of commissions
  • ⏳ Report - by trusted guides - by value of commissions
  • ⏳ Report - by consumer onboarder - by number of onboarding-rewards
  • ⏳ Report - by consumer onboarder - by value of onboarding-rewards
  • ⏳ Script to take backup
  • Script for restoration
  • Script to analyse HBD purchases of all consumers
  • For some users webapp isnt working as expected. So distribute Anroid App instead of WebApp
  • Update UX for Business Reviews
  • Bug for Business Reviews showing up 0
  • Improvement - Tapping on review should open up the review post
  • Bug - Two finger Zoom out rotates the map
  • Improvement - "Approach A Business" in drawer menu
  • Build Leaderboard
  • and many more items on board
  • Add a business should reflect on Waivio / SpendHBD
  • ✋ R & D - Server Status using uptime-kuma
  • ✋ R & D - CloudFlare Tunnels

Updates: Video Encoder Nodes

  • I'm running 12 powerful video encoder nodes for 3Speak Community Members.
  • Monthly internet bandwidth usage which exceeds 15 TB, Maintenance cost, Electricity backup, Internet backup, Depreciation cost - it's all on me.
  • On 2024-09-04, 3Speak published total 222 videos.
  • My video encoder nodes encoded 199 videos from 222 videos published.
  • It means, my encoder nodes encoded 89.64 % of total videos published on 2024-09-04

My Daily Hive Investment Report for 2024-09-04

ValueInvestment Type
0.000 HiveHive Power Up
27.564 HiveWitness Rewards in Hive Power
87.027 HiveCuration Rewards as Hive Power
8.459 HiveBenefactor Rewards as Hive Power
123.051 HiveTotal Hive Power Invested

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Vote sagarkothari88 as Hive Witness

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Credits to designers - noakmilo & josegrech

image by noakmilo

banner of distriator by josegrech

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