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2024-08-21 - Distriator - Beta Updates & sending out rewards

Updates on Project Distriator

Adding Business images automatically

API to upload a photo

  • Remember this API? We shipped it on beta env.
  • With this, we can download google photos & upload it to SpkNetworks's decentralised infrastructure.
  • We've used this API & implemented it on the Front-End.

Pick the business

  • Using the API which we stated in previous screenshot, as soon as selects the business, we download-upload these images from Google Photos.
  • This action doesn't require any interaction
  • However, if user wishes, they can remove the uploaded photos

business after uploaded photos

  • Users can also upload photos on their own from their device.
  • User can also remove uploaded photos & if needed can re-upload.

Sending out rewards

small typo

  • There was one small typo in the business guides.
  • @jonsnow1983 reported the issue.
  • This was the first to-do which I picked today
  • I started looking into the issue & I noticed multiple hive-rpc-failures
  • Upon looking at the errors carefully, I realised that errors were indicating to incorrect hive username.
  • I corrected business guide names to @ecoinstant
  • After that, I started rolloing out pending rewards to the users

Rewards were sent to @daysiselena

Rewards were sent to @daysiselena

  • Due to typo, rewards were not sent.
  • I managed to send the rewards to @daysiselena
  • Along with her, all other trusted-guides & on-border also got the rewards.

@marialeovalless got her rewards

Rewards were sent to @marialeovalless

  • This review also didn't get rewards
  • After few adjustmentds, rewards were sent received her rewards

Rewards were sent to

  • @jonsnow1983 reported about this post as well.
  • After running script, missed rewards were sent to her

Strange - Post not found Error

Strange - Post not found Error

  • We encountered a strange error from one of the RPC node
  • Post not found error - however post was published
  • And only after post was published, we attempted sending out rewards.

manually sending out rewards

  • However, post-verification-checks failed.
  • So, we had to send rewards to @ariuszka manually

Added 6 new Businesses

Added 6 new Businesses

  • We added 6 new businesses
  • Re-deployed the backend
  • These new businesses are available now.

What's next?

  • ✅ Add A business - Auto-Upload photos from Google
  • ✅ Add A business - Search & Locate integration
  • ⏳ Accept claims from newly added businesses
  • Add a business should reflect on Waivio / SpendHBD

Updates: Video Encoder Nodes

  • I'm running 12 powerful video encoder nodes for 3Speak Community Members.
  • Monthly internet bandwidth usage which exceeds 15 TB, Maintenance cost, Electricity backup, Internet backup, Depreciation cost - it's all on me.
  • On 2024-08-21, 3Speak published total 269 videos.
  • My video encoder nodes encoded 256 videos from 269 videos published.
  • It means, my encoder nodes encoded 95.17 % of total videos published on 2024-08-21

My Daily Hive Investment Report for 2024-08-21

ValueInvestment Type
0.000 HiveHive Power Up
25.315 HiveWitness Rewards in Hive Power
107.911 HiveCuration Rewards as Hive Power
9.547 HiveBenefactor Rewards as Hive Power
142.773 HiveTotal Hive Power Invested

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Credits to designers - noakmilo & josegrech

image by noakmilo

banner of distriator by josegrech

Swap your HBD/Hive using @ecency