Hivefeed-js Update- Support For Signing Key

If you are a user of hivefeed-js by @someguy123(, the most recent update might be of interest to you. I added the ability for you to use just a signing key instead of your private active key. While I wrote this feature in nearly two months ago, and merged it into master two weeks ago, I'm finally getting around to making a post about it.

The ability to your use your active key remains, and if thats what you want to do, you can go right ahead. If you are doing that, you have nothing to change and your old configs should work just fine. Though I don't recommend that as your active key has access to your funds while your singing key doesn't.

The new update requires you to add the following field to the config file:

"signing_keys" : {
    "STMPubLicKey" : "5PrivAteKey"

You can specify multiple keys if you'd like with something like this:

"signing_keys" : {
    "STMPubLicKey1" : "5PrivAteKey1",
    "STMPubLicKey2" : "5PrivAteKey2"

The program will automatically recognize which key you are using on your account and use that.

This does work with your private active key as well. If you supply both the wif field and the signing_keys field in the config, it'll try and use the signing keys first, and if those are invalid, then it'll move onto using the active key. If at least one is valid, the pricefeed will work properly.

Setting it up works just as before, just with supplying public private pairs for your singing keys rather than your active key. If you have any questions about it, feel free to ask me about it.

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