My new contributions to the Hive Condenser and Wallet apps.


I have been involved (voluntarily) with the development of the Condenser & Wallet apps (that are powering and for quite a while now. There are other great frontends to Hive out there such as and but I have always been more or less faithful with the Condenser.

This is a regular report on my new contributions. Some of the new work below might still be in test and not yet deployed.

Completing React v16 upgrade

This project took a bit of time to complete. Because we have upgraded the core library of the Condenser, we had to thoroughly test the app before releasing it. It's finally done and out.

Merge request:

Condenser code clean-up

Now that the React v16 upgrade has completed, I decided to take on another large task I started 8 months ago. The goal was to get all JS and JSX files to pass EsLint. After getting everything fixed up, I was excited but then realised that the project was misconfigured and JSX files were never tested against and there was a huge amount of them. So I did what I could and fixed up the most popular files and left the rest to be done every time we start touching a new file. Thanks to @engrave for testing these and updating the GitLab pipeline. Any new commits to the code base will now be rejected if it fails EsLint or Unit Test.

Merge request:

Fix Storybook

As part of the cleanup, I've also fixed Storybook. It's a tool that allows you to render each component of your project in isolation.

Merge request:

Fix vote breakdown display

The vote breakdown display was not ideal when the post value is zero. So instead of showing vote values of $0, I just showed the voters and if it's a downvote.

Vote breakdown

Merge request:

Removal of Google ads code

Since we are not using this anymore, removing it will reduce the code base.

Merge request:

Adding a cache buster to avatar URLs

Hive user's avatar URL is an alias that redirects to the actual image URL. That redirection is cached and is sometimes creating confusion as it does not reflect the new avatar when someone uploads a new image. We agreed on adding a cache buster to avatar URLs. That cache buster is generated once per session so we are still taking advantage of the cache during the session.

Merge request:

Embedded players

I've modified the embedded player code to better handle video player aspect ratios. I've also added support for Instagram and TikTok embedded players.
Merge request:

Fix page crash when community ID does not exist

Merge request:

Vote for my witness
Support @quochuy Witness.jpg
On Hive, Witnesses are playing the important role of providing a performant and safe network for all of us. You have the power to choose 30 trusty witnesses to package transactions and sign the blocks that will go in the Hive blockchain. Vote for me via HiveSigner to support my work for the community.

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