My latest contributions to the Hive Condenser and Wallet apps.


I have been involved (voluntarily) with the development of the Condenser & Wallet apps (that are powering and for quite a while now. There are other great frontends to Hive out there such as and but I have always been more or less faithful with the Condenser.

This is a regular report on my new contributions. Some of the new work below might still be in test and not yet deployed.

Notes: some features or bug fixes might not yet be available as they need to pass review and test by the team.

Disable links on posts and comments from low rating posts or blacklisted authors

There has been several waves of phishim/scam attempts on the blockchain recently. Optama has used @drakos (Hive Witness) popularity to try to scam Hivers to click on a phishing link. @urun suggested that we should disable links from comments that have low ratings. Currently, the Condenser hides low rated comments and if user choose to still reveal them, the Mardown code is not rendered to HTML so links are effectively already disabled. However, when you click on a notification for a comments, some apps might send you directly to the permlink of the comment which renders the comment in full. This new change, checks the rating of the post or comment and will disable all links from within that post or comment.

Additionally, I've applied a similar logic to the posts of users that you have added to your mute list. All links from their posts and comments will be disabled, you can re-enable these links by visiting the comment permlink.

Merge request:

Supporting HiveAuth on the Hive Wallet.

After spending a while reviewing HiveAuth on the Condenser, I've finally started porting the code to the Wallet app. @arcange did help with testing the implementation with all the operations supported by the Wallet app and the couple of minor bugs discovered have been fixed.

Merge request:

Fix: Governance expiry warning should have proper year at all times

Not long ago, I added a witness vote expiry warning banner. There was a little bug where the banner would show Dec 31, 1969 as expiry date for users who have never done any witness votes. The banner will now instead invite the user to vote for some witnesses.

Merge request:

Vote for my witness
Support @quochuy Witness.jpg
On Hive, Witnesses are playing the important role of providing a performant and safe network for all of us. You have the power to choose 30 trusty witnesses to package transactions and sign the blocks that will go in the Hive blockchain. Vote for me via HiveSigner to support my work for the community.

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