My latest contributions to the Hive Condenser and Wallet apps.

​## Context
I have been involved (voluntarily) with the development of the Condenser & Wallet apps (that are powering and for quite a while now. There are other great frontends to Hive out there such as and but I have always been more or less faithful with the Condenser.

This is a regular report on my new contributions. Some of the new work below might still be in test and not yet deployed.

Notes: some features or bug fixes might not yet be available as they need to pass review and test by the team.

Spoiler block

To popular requests, I've added the ability to hide a spoiler content block with a link to click to reveal. There are two ways to use it, you can either enable the Visual Editor and click on the "Spoiler" button and it will inject a template for you to modify. Or you can just use the following Markdown syntax.

The examples below might not work until the code change has been deployed to the production website by @blocktrades' team.

Basic example

>! Your spoiler

! Your spoiler

Custom link text

>! [Click to reveal] Your spoiler

! [Click to reveal] Your spoiler

Multiple lines

>! [Click to reveal] Your spoiler
> it continues here...

! [Click to reveal] Your spoiler
it continues here...

If you enable the Visual Editor your multiple lines will be merged into a longer single one.

Lightbox (image gallery)

You can now click on any photo within a post and it will show fullscreen and larger (if available) inside a Lightbox UI. Ideal for photography posts.
Lightbox image gallery

I also added support for WEBP image file formats.

Code highlights

The Condenser was already supporting GIST embed codes but it's not a very practical way to share code with syntax highlights. So we decided to allow syntax highlights on code blocks, here is a little example:

function example() {
  const text = "This is how it looks like";
  return text;

Posh Twitter badge

If you are Posh validated, your profile page will show your Twitter badge.
Posh Twitter badge

Include beneficiaries in paid out posts reward breakdown

Beneficiaries were only shown in current posts however, once they're paid out, the reward breakdown don't show them anymore. This should now be fixed in the next release.

Vote for my witness
Support @quochuy Witness.jpg
On Hive, Witnesses are playing the important role of providing a performant and safe network for all of us. You have the power to choose 30 trusty witnesses to package transactions and sign the blocks that will go in the Hive blockchain. Vote for me via HiveSigner to support my work for the community.

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1 column