RC Tool Update with Incoming Delegations using HiveSQL, Testnet and Beta

I pushed a new update on friday, with a few small improvements and additions.
• Added incoming RC delegations using HiveSQL
• Added easy way for delegating to multiple accounts
• Added beta channel
• Added testnet channel

RC Tool Updates

One of the biggest changes is the addition of incoming RC delegations. This is not possible using the rc api of the hive blockchain directly. However with the help of HiveSQL this can be easily achieved.
Using HiveSQL you simply have to fetch values from the RCDelegations table and pass a WHERE clause with the desired delegatee:

SELECT * FROM RCDelegations WHERE delegatee = 'primersion';

This will return a list of all delegations and each entry will have the fields "delegator" (the account delegating to you), "delegatee" (your account) and "rc" (the amount of rc delegated).

If you are curious how to set up a connection to HiveSQL, please checkout the docs over here https://docs.hivesql.io.

I have added an additional button to the frontend for switching between outgoing and incoming delegations:

Incoming delegations are shown in a table in a similar fashion as the outgoing ones, except that they can't be selected / edited / deleted, as only the delegator may do so.

The next big change is making delegations to multiple accounts a lot easier. You can now simply input multiple accounts in the "Delegatee" field, by entering an account and pressing ENTER or typing a comma after the account name. The accounts will then be displayed in the form of "chips":

You may also paste a comma separated list into the delegatee field. The amount on the button is automatically updated to show the amount multiplied by the number of delegatees, as each of the accounts will receive the specified amount.
Also when editing existing delegations by clicking on the edit button in the list or by checking multiple delegations and clicking on edit, the page will scroll up and the delegatees are automatically pasted into the field.


I have added a subdomain, which will be used for testing out beta changes, before releasing them to the production channel. So if you are curious and want to test out new stuff (right now it's the same as the live version), go check it out at https://beta.primersion.com.


Additionally I have added another subdomain for the Hive testnet, which will allow to use the witness voting and rc delegation tool on the testnet. So if you are a Hive developer you may use this to easily fill up your account with rc and check out witness stats on the frontend. You can find it over at https://testnet.primersion.com.

Vote for my Hive Witness using Keychain.

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