(Re-)Introducing Hiveinvite

Creating accounts for friends remains a challenging task. Where do I get tokens? How do I explain the keys, how do I transmit them securely, and how can the recipient be sure that I don't keep a copy?

Hiveinvite.com was created many years ago on another chain, where onboarding was even more challenging than it is now (can you imagine?), and was amongst the first apps available on hive at launch.


It is translated in multiple languages, and allows a lot of different ways to create onboarding links - by email, a single secret link, a link that can be used for a certain number of times, or even fully public links requiring different verification methods which get listed on hiveinvite.com/public.html for everyone to easily get an account from you.

A while ago it stopped working due to my api node losing funding and not having configured a backup. Now it's online again, so go and check it out!

It still doesn't support keychain and you need to enter your keys manually - I guarantee you they're never leaving your browser though. The code is on Github so you can easily verify, or even send a pull request to enable keychain signing (but tell me when you work on something, I might find some motivation somewhere myself).

That's it, go on and create some newbees now!

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