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Vessel Update v0.4.2 - Exchanges / Auths / CLI prep

Vessel Update v0.4.2 - Exchanges / Auths / CLI prep

Release v0.4.2 of Vessel adds support for more exchanges that support Hive as well as lays the necessary framework for allowing the user to adjust their key/account auths via the wallet.

This release is just a preparation for a larger release that has been in the works for the past couple weeks that will include a bridge that will support hardware wallet integration. A lot of the work for Hive integration with Ledger hardware wallet has been done which is a big project that Vessel will play a very important role in. More information on this particular addition to come soon..

As a quality of life improvement, a status bar addition has been made to show which type of network (Hive/Steem/Unknown) the user is connected to. This is necessary because Vessel is capable of supporting wallet management on any Hive based chain.

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