How is $0.51 equal to low ratings?

Why does this say low ratings?

This post was not flagged, it was not downvoted, it has $0.51, and yet it says low ratings.

How is $0.51 low?

Click here to see the post in question.

Screenshot at 2021-02-18 00:42:00.png

Regarding The Non-Non-Travel Post

12:44 AM - Hive | Regarding This Post

I already wrote a pretty long post about some related issues earlier.

My brother Rick Arnold @rsarnold316 is new to Hive Blog.

And this is what happens to new people with no warning whatsoever.

This post was not flagged, it was not downvoted, it has $0.51, and yet it says low ratings.

But it was muted.

It should say images were hidden because it was muted.

Not because of low ratings.

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