Landing Page is Live!


The landing page for Hive Plug & Play is now live! View it on: It will serve as an onboarding and marketing tool, to help developers begin integration.

Serverless deployment

Developers have the option to develop their custom_json based features and deploy them on the public node, without having to run their own servers. My team will offer support throughout the whole process to those who opt for it.

Custom server

If developers want more control over their Hive Plug & Play integrations, they can run their own server, in which case they will install the publicly available source code from GitHub on a server, develop and deploy their features without depending on the public node. Support is also offered by my team, to ensure they get up and running.

Project showcase

There’s a section where we’ll showcase the projects that have integrated Hive Plug & Play into their tech stacks.

Public protocols

All of the public protocols we develop for Hive Plug & Play will be shown on the landing page, with links to API documentation and the broadcast operations that need to be made on the blockchain to make it work. We currently have one public protocol: polls, which allows any Hive-based dApp to add a polls feature for its users. Future planned features include discussion rooms and contests.


This section contains comments and remarks from developers about their experience with Hive Plug & Play.

Contact us

To get started, interested parties can fill in a form to initiate communication with our support team.


I run a Hive witness node:

3 columns
2 columns
1 column