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HAF Plug & Play Development Update #1



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This week I worked on documentation for a couple of endpoints, improved the HAF sync function and included the transaction ID of associated with custom_json ops in the main data set.


Commits are linked to.

update README:

I added information on installing the PostgreSQL extension and setting up an HAF node. I also added a link to a post explaining how HAF works, written by @mickiewicz.

add Documentation for Follow plug:

Added documentation for the get_follow_ops endpoint. Filterable by follower, followed and block_range.

Added documentation for the get_reblog_ops endpoint. Filterable by reblog_account, author, permlink and block_range.

add trans_hash and clean results :

Added transaction_id to DB schema and HAF sync functions to allow apps to retrieve the related transaction IDs of custom_json ops. This involved JOINING hive.{APPLICATION_CONTEXT}_transactions_view to the hive.{APPLICATION_CONTEXT}_operations_view query ON block_num and trx_in_block.

add handler to retrieve ops by block:

Added a handler Python function to retrieve custom_json ops within a specific block.

add standard endpoint to docs:

Added documentation for:

  • the ping endpoint.

  • the get_sync_status endpoint where one can retrieve the status of the Plug & Play HAF node: latest_block, latest_block_time and whether or not it is behind in its sync process.

  • get_ops_by_block endpoint where one can retrieve all the custom_json ops contained within a specific block.

Next week's work

That's all for this week's update. In the coming week, I intend to continue work on the common plugs for follow and community ID ops. I will also focus on optimizing for performance.