RE: Roadmap for Hive-related work by BlockTrades in the next 6 months

  • Not loosing time on HMT and relay it to 2nd layer is the best option 😉 There are some talented devs on the second layer like @harpagon (which, after having created the Smart Contract System, has just created the SmartScript virtual machine) for example to realize it.

  • A one-year delay is not bad, even if it won't be easy to convince voters to renew their vote for low ranking witnesses like me, it will clean up the system of governance by removing the accounts of dead voters and may give more trust in the governance of Hive and more involvement of the Hivian.

  • Interesting vision of what the second layer should look like! Your vision will also give more flexibility, easy way to query custom_json?

  • Concerning the reputation/rating system do you mean like the skills people give you on linkedIn?

The recurrent payments of @howo can be a game changer to attract more creators (that make Hive live by feeding it with their content) who are looking for ROI with a subscription system like Twitch or who don't want to depend on a third party like Patreon-style system. It can also have a positive impact on the content quality 😉 So I really hope to see it in HF25 👍

@mintrawa: Witness FR - Gen X - Geek 🤓 Gamer 🎮 traveler ⛩ī¸
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