Recap of this Week's Posts by D.Buzz Vol.42


Recap of this Week's Posts by D.Buzz
For the week ending on : (3/28/2021) | Vol.40

What's Buzzing Friends...

When driving, I’m only a moderate speeder, but I’m sometimes guilty of driving too fast.

Now, before you call the cops on me, I want to make it clear that I’m not talking about driving like a bat out of hell, weaving in and out of lanes, going 90 MPH in a 45 MPH zone, or anything like that.

I’m talking about the kind of speeding that most people do, when they’re driving the speed limit, but they’re just a mile per hour or two faster than the car next to them. But for Walter Arnold of the English village of Paddock Wood, Kent, he was issued a speeding ticket for going four times the speed limit!

Who you might ask is Walter Arnold? Well he is the person who has the distinct record of receiving the first speeding ticket ever! On Jan. 28, 1896, the speed demon Arnold was spotted going 8 MPH in a 2 MHP zone. The officer, who was left breathless after, had to catch him by riding his bike extra fast to catch up.

Arnold was given a fine of £4 7s for his reckless antics. Don't you worry dear friends, we do not have a speed limit here at D.Buzz, you can rev your reading engines as much as you like, then tear through this weekly summary from D.Buzz!

If you want to learn more about this speeding ticket, you can read about it HERE.

Last Sunday

Here's a link to the previous recap post from last Sunday. >> 4/4/2021 <<


We are trying to get some new ideas for new T-shirts to offer you tell us what designs you like and potentially win 15 HIVE!


This week we rolled out in-house options to edit your profile directly from within D.Buzz. Along with this we added additional options for filtering notifications. These ease-of-use updates will surely help you have the best experience on D.Buzz.


Here is a short video outlining how to use the new editing tools.

Read it here:



@cre47iv3, an avid HIVE gamer and crypto enthusiast who has surely mastered his craft. Learn more about who they are at the link!


The last week of the 30-day challenge has been completed. Only a few more days the challenge will wrap, but no worries will release a new 30-day challenge shortly! :D

Read it here:



Talk about the perfect opportunity to make new friends, just leave a comment on one of these authors posts and let them know that they have posted some good content. :D

Hey look no speeding ticket! Thanks for reading and enjoy your week!

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See you all Monday!

- The D.BUZZ


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