MetaMask Login For DBuzz : LIVE on Next.D.Buzz


MetaMask Login For DBuzz Live on Public Testing

Hello, D.Buzz development enthusiasts!

We can all agree that while Hive is a fantastic platform to develop on (*no gas costs), it does have its share of issues, one of the largest of which is about onboarding users. The process of needing to get an account with Resource Credits, then the keys... Oi, the keys. This makes Hive in some ways a hard platform for the "average" social media user to jump into. Today, we are happy to say we’re bridging that gap!

Over the weekend, we rolled out our LITE framework onto the live public testing platform Next.D.Buzz. The LITE framework, for the most part, enables users to sign up and post to DBuzz by way of MetaMask.

Here is what the login looks like.


After you click the "Login with MetaMask" button you will have to confirm a few transactions on Metamask (*no gas costs).


You will approve a few of these when your account is made.

When that process is finished, you will be asked to set a name.


If you don't set a name at the popup, you can set it on your profile page at a later time.

Then you are ready to go and start posting on a decentralized microblogging system. 😽

Needless to say, this is HUGE. It starts to open up a lot of very exciting options for future developments on DBuzz, and for Hive overall.

Let's also talk about security.

The LITE framework runs on a framework called Ceramic Network. All data on Ceramic is stored on IPFS. Ceramic provides an extra layer to provide us with mutability. IPFS, the file storage for the data and your buzzes, is a P2P (peer-to-peer) network.

Let's say you say something and the powers that be want to silence you. This would be a very hard task to do. While your data is not written on the blockchain as if you posted on Hive, it's still stored over a wider p2p network. The powers that be would have to attack each server in the IPFS P2P network to take down your voice. A fight that would be a challenge to win, and not before additional servers pop-up.

The summary is, your voice and your messages are still safe.

Things to note:

The LITE platform is not 100% finished, and we will be adding more to it over time. For now, please make note of the following larger points.

The MetaMask login system is still new, so it may have some bugs. It is also worth noting that, at least for now, when you post to DBuzz with the MetaMask login, you will not be able to earn HIVE rewards. You will only earn HIVE if you log in using your Hive account with the HIVE Keychain or your private posting key.

Lastly, when you log in with MetaMask, your posts will not show on Hive - only on the DBuzz frontend. However, anyone on the D.Buzz platform (the DBUZZ DApp) will be able to see your post(s).

We are looking at adding a $BUZZ token soon as a way to reward authors on DBuzz, and will be looking back to all who post on DBuzz. So while you may not be rewarded today when we airdrop, the $BUZZ token will be rewarded when it is released in the near future.

BUT WAIT, There's More!

Our Development team ate through their deliverables this week like Takeru Kobayashi does with hotdogs. One of the outstanding issues was that was down for a while. The ACE team here at DBuzz got that back up and running again, putting us back in the swing of things.

What's Next

We will work on ensuring that the new LITE framework functions well, then we will move into the bug squishing phase. This is a phase that is long overdue, as we have a backlog of bugs that are getting out of hand.

Top of the list are issues with the video delivery code and content delivery speeds. We also have a list of other bugs and minor improvements that we will be tackling. We are aiming that over the next 30 days, we will increase the speed and functions of DBuzz, along with providing you with a better experience.

Stay tuned for more development updates soon!

Thank you for your time.

Also, we would again like to thank the full @threespeak team for their help with the LITE platform - @vaultec and the full crew are fantastic. They have been integral in the LITE framework development to date.

If you don't know about the SPK network, we recommend you learn more about it today at

- The D.Buzz


D.Buzz is...

A censorship-resistant short-form microblogging platform that empowers you to share your thoughts in 280 characters or fewer.

Censorship-resistant and built for the community with love.

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