I must Open-Sourcing all my projects (and other news)

Wow, it's been awhile !

I have some news about all the HiveLive universe projects and it's not as good as I wanted.


On the bright side, All my projects are now fully open-source ! I choose the GPLv3 licence for that. You can now find every project on GitHub :

My real life isn't great

On the other side, As you know, my health isn't great, with some additions! Now it's really difficult to code/work more than 2/3h per day. I can't have a job, can't have state aids/grants (because I haven't worked enough hours).

Luckily, I have some savings and I'm in a good personal situation which allows me to live without spending much.

Brain and Heart

Last month, I had many bad news : my parents are in a bad health condition too. My father have two cancers, and my mother have major problems with his digestive system... Also, a close friend lost his dad (heart attack).

About my health, Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome (kEDS type) is my everyday life but now I have a heart problem too (a mitral valve defect). It's not over yet : I have more and more chronic tiredness.

My future on HIVE

You know, I quite hard but I need to take a big pause about my projects. I don't know when I'll can start again to code for HIVE. Of course, I'll never give up. But this time I need more and more rest and can't code for hours as before. I can't stay sit still for long. I can't even exercise or play video games as much as I'd like anymore !

But it's not the end! it's reversible and i just need months or weeks of full recovery. I do my best for that and I'll continue. Also, when I can I continue to keep an eye on HIVE projects (Hello @cbrsphilanthropy !)

Bee Strong

I have already written posts but not yet published. I'll try to release these when I can.

I wish you the best and I hope your life is as beautiful as it can be! See you soon on HIVE !

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