HiveSQL is free again - Thank you for your support!

A few days ago, I introduced a proposal to make HiveSQL free to use again. The aim of the proposal is to enable as many developers and users as possible to benefit from this valuable tool and develop applications and services for our ecosystem.

Today, thanks to your amazing support, I'm happy to announce that HiveSQL is free again!

This means that anyone with a registered HiveSQL account will now have access to all the blockchain data and will be able to issue SQL queries for free.

How to register your HiveSQL account?

For obvious security reasons, before being able to access the HiveSQL database, you will have to create a HiveSQL account. The activation process is very simple:

  1. Transfer 0.01 HBD to @hivesql (no memo required)

  2. As soon as @hivesql receives your transfer, your activation will be processed

  3. A few seconds later, you will receive a micro-transfer back from @hivesql.

The @hivesql transfer memo contains your new credentials and is therefore encrypted.
There are two easy ways to see its content;

  1. if you use, click on the small green lock

  2. if you have Keychain installed, open it and click on the History button

The memo contains the following information:

  • the hostname to connect to the HiveSQL server.
  • your personal login
  • your password

What's next

Now that the proposal is funded, I will finally be able to tackle the many improvement projects that I wanted to implement. There is a lot of work ahead, among them the website update and the creation of decent documentation and tutorials.

I would also like to partially review the design of the database to further improve its performance. I also want to add tables that can be useful and avoid redundant queries.

I also have lots of other ideas, but one thing at a time... let's first consolidate the basics.


If you have any questions, remarks or suggestions, support for HiveSQL is provided on the HiveSQL Discord Channel only.

Support the Proposal

Things keep moving in life, so additional support for the proposal is still welcome.

Thank you to all who supported the proposal and made HiveSQL free again!

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