A system for hive eos telos or wax based tip2upvote and buy ads in a popular blog post with tip curation escrow and 50% of post 7 day residual tips goong back to top tipper and original 7 day curators! + a 10% 30 day residual tip lottery pool

Imagine liquid tipping curation escrow where you buy adsoke dclick or voice.com and they show up at the top of the blog post and you earn cueation after 7 days and winner with top tip gets their banner at in the top of your post, original earlier curator tippers get just a small image and link and one line of text stacked up at the bottom of the post, and a post7day sponsorship tip residuall system with lottery tipping pool every 30 days

Tip to get your link text and banner image ad at top of a blog post like back on old voice.com and then ...if someone tips more later within 7 days you as the first tipper earn curation and author can set post anywhere from 0 or maybe min if 1% to 99% curation so they can entice tipers buying ads in their post with higemher curation rewards so let's say it's at 50% curation

So If you tip a blog post early 1 tlos or 1 eos or 1 wax now whoever tips 10 later will be paying you a good cut of that 5 tokens going back to curators with more going to whoever tipped the most earliest and with the most staked eos or telos or wax cpu or rex

Now it's like you buy ads in a post with a tip and if you get iut tipped your link and text description still shows up at the bottom of the telos eos or wax blog post but the top donators ad stays up at the top forever and after that the winner just gets a flat cut of all tips sent to that users account via the tip curation account and users will use it and not just send tips because they'll also get a chance to win something by tipping through our frontnends even after the 7 days already up...

Even after the 7 days are up you can get tips and like 5% ir whatever is specificied..higher amounts to incentivuze tippers to buy an ad ..so they'll earn like 5 to 50 even 90% of all future tips coming in and there will be another good reason and incentive to tip a post even after the 7 days of curation are up and the top Ad is stuck in the top of the post earning half the future donations...maybe you'll earn a chance to get a lottery taken from 1 to 5% of those donations so they'll stack up every week or month after that oayong you every 30 days and sending another customizable number, lottery percentage, so 1 to 99% of all the RESIDUAL tips for a post will go to a lottery pool so a random tipper will deoending on hiw much they tip have better chances to win that post 6 day residual tip pool AND you can still buy a tiny ad in the form of a TINY LOGO at the bottom kf every post arranged like war medals in a big string of logos so u can show support or get your project logo as a small post u day sponsor ! And the top advertisers at the rope of the page gets a cut of THOSE post u day curation tips and there's a lottery too so its always smart to get your logo added to the bottom of an already popular post for like 1 tlos or 0.1 eos or something ...and get a chance to win some of the 30 day residual tip lottery pool

That wah there's Incentive to tip

Ads and curation and a tip lottery and small sponsorship logos for mini ads to pay residuals back to original curators and top tip winners with top tip after u days

Everyone who tioped in those 7 days gets a cut of any future tips that allow more advertisers to leave small tiny image logos in a row at the bottom of the page that have clickable links! People will pile on these tips to get their links and logos added for a base price and some popular posts will have a giant 10 row 20 column grid of logos haha and it will say how much residual tlos or eos (or hive) tips have been paid

  1. Users post specifies in a json or their hive tip escrow settings or in the post, the percentage of tip curation and the percentage of finak post 7 day residual tip sharing with curators and the amount foe the 30 day lottery

  2. User tips a hive post to get their ad to show up at the top of the blog post with their desired banner sized image link , text and url inside the memo of the tip and that will show up at the TOP of that blog post untill someone tios a highee amount within thatb7 day oeriod and then your image is shrunk down and link and text all shownup as a much smaller one line of curator sponsors at the veey bottom

  3. Top tipper at the end of the first 7 days gets their banner ad image, text and link at the top of the hive blog post ( like @dclick-io @dclick ) and then curators who tipped early get liquid tios back at the end of that 7 days depending on tipcuration percentage set by author

  4. Any new tios after the first 7 days will show up with small icon sized logo images with no text unless you hover ivee and just a clickabke link all sentnin through the memo.. . And again the user can specificy the amount of resodual post 7 day tips to share but default will be 50% so when you win the top banner ad now youre earning most of that 50% of all future tips from people wishing to be like sponsors with small logos at tye botrom of the page which will be a popular way to show support for 1 hive.. even the earliest curators who earned the first 7 days cueation will also get a small portion of the 50% of any new tips coming in on that post which people will do because it will be popular to mark a popular blog post with your brand...and that will create a huge reason to tip a post witb tipcurationescrow contract within the first 7 days . Posts now will be showing a comment bot posting comments every 30 days showing a report of how much each original tip curator , the winning tip with the ad at the top and the author have made from all the tiops and residuals so far

  5. To spice things up an author can also specify a custom percentage for the post 7 dat residual tips to go towards a 30 day LOTTERY pool so if you tip after 7 days the min amount to add a small icon link badge image at the bottom of the blog post to show support, 1 to 50% of that will go to the lottery pool so you have a chance to win some of the tips back every 30 days.

Getting redidual cuts of the future tips and collecting sponsors on posts with afs that earn money from future tips from micro sponsors adding their logo icon links to the bottom of the blog post, it seems like it could work so well and even use HBD and have liquid HBD tipping curation taken from a portion of your 20% savings apr



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