Steemflow Flowing - Adventure @ Ganga (Ganges)

It's been a while since I went out for adventure. And when it occured after few years, it flew me away in high stream. I am talking about my (our) recent swimming adventure at river (mother) Ganga in Haridwar.


Yes..we call the river mother. River Ganga also known as ganges is a pious Hindu river and known for her forgivness. As a nod to the goddess we call Ganga as mother in hindi it is referred as Ma Ganga. It is considered that by taking a dip into Ganga River Human can get rid of their sins of this birth.

When we went out for little adventure, we were not aware of the force that the river is carrying. From a distance, it looks to be as silent as anything.


It appears to be flowing elegantly. Beinga pligrimiage site, this place is alwsys used to buzzing with people, but as we were late in reaching, it appears to be quite an empty place. No matter what, we went to this place to enjoy and to have quality time. But the moment we were submerged ourself into the river. It was like our legs were swept away. The stream of the water were very high, and it was very risky to flow properly. The silent looking river is actually at her extreme flow.


as you notice my hand holding an iron chain, before it could swept me. Haridwar is situated in an unhill area and the flow of water is always gushing very fast. Especially during the rainy days. There were always warning sign not to go deeper into water to risk our life. That is why the managing authority has assigned a limit for bathing or doing any adventure. They also arranged differrnt chains at different places for people safety.


To avoid any kind of risk, we were taken the dip holding hard the iron chain, still the flow was too extreme to take us away along. In India, it is alwsys said not to mess with water & fire. As both are alwsys risky. So we took all care to take the bath late at night. It was quite risky too as if we ever be swept away, then there were no authority to look after. So we were risking our life to take the bath at the pious river.


Every time I try to stand up, each time I swept away by the force of water. It was like steemflow actually flowing into the river it was really some nice adventure we were into late at night. It was fun also, as there were no one to see us naked. Else during the dsy time, there were huge number of people visit this place to take the holy dip.

My motivation helped two of my nephew to get into the water. They had taken all the precautions slowly get inside the shore before getting to the danger zone.


Our adventure with the extreme force of water continues for half and hour, before we decided to give it a break. As we have to visit the place again at morning. The water is quite chilled as it directly flows from Himalayan ranges. That is Haridwar is one of the favourite gateway during summer season. The trend is now more of entertainment than pligrimiage.


If you follow the safety norms, then you definately going to enjoy the moment spent at this very river. Swimming is not possible in the extreme stream unless and untill you are professional, but presence of large boulders underneath may put best of the swimmers at risk. It was good little adventure at night and we thoroughly it. It also make us relax as the tempersture were very high. The fun continues for more.


Namaste @steemflow

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