Exercise Day, The Caracola 🤾‍♀️

Hi everyone, I hope your weekend was great and that you were able to enjoy it to the fullest. I did a lot of things, so I am happy to use my time in a good way.

Some time ago I decided to do some simple exercise in my life, so I don't get overwhelmed, so I don't give up, because the truth is that I'm lazy personified for the gym. So I decided to dedicate at least an hour to walk the majestic route of La Caracola. This is a street that connects two sectors of the city; but the truth is that in the afternoons from 16 hrs they close it from end to end until 19 hrs so that people can exercise, walk, jog, run, bike, skate, skateboard or just walk your pet and everything you want.

La Caracola is actually a residential area, but it has a part with a street of about 2 km that is coastal, that is, the street ends and the sandy beach begins. The sunsets are wonderful and from time to time you can see the giant moon with impressive shades of intense yellow. This post is for you to see how beautiful the beach is, and besides that, to invite you to come to Margarita Island sometime, because it is very beautiful and you will fall in love instantly. I am not only saying this for me, but for many friends and family members who have come and when they know this sport route, they fall in love.

Until a few months ago, that street worked just as it does now in schedule and for the same purposes, but then they realized that the number of people began to increase, and by 6 pm the sun was setting and the vision became null. It had no lights, no poles, no nothing, if you stayed there when the sun went down, your only illumination would be what the moon wanted to give you that night.

Recently, the mayor's office decided to place light poles that are recharged by the sun, and some exercise machines at the entrance. People were very excited about this and the truth is that we are very happy for this investment to be able to enjoy the park for longer without worrying about the time as before.

So, well, I took my dog who enjoys the beach more than anyone reading this post and my jump rope that I already do about 50 jumps in a row. I stayed for about an hour, it was 17:30 hrs when I arrived and I stayed to wait for the sunset, which as I mentioned above, are spectacular.

Thanks for reading me and thank you very much for coming here. Greetings!

All the texts are original, the photos are my own and the translation was done through DeepL.

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